Tech, Cloud, and Beyond – Insights from a Microsoft Veteran

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Nowadays, you can find extensive details and in-depth i.e. “how-to” guides on each product’s website. Our goal is to make information more accessible by providing bite-sized, easy-to-consume technical knowledge base docs—offering relevant insights without overwhelming you with product specifications or details that may not be essential to your specific technical inquiry at this moment – We do all heavy lifting – equipping software engineers with a resilient mindset to excel, exceed expectations, and thrive in today’s competitive environment.

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About Me

Hi, I’m Sam Naqvi, a technology enthusiast, cloud expert, and lifelong learner with over 18 years of experience at Microsoft. Throughout my career, I’ve played key roles as a Technical Program Manager, Release Manager, and Cloud Platform (Azure) Expert, working on cutting-edge technologies, global releases, and enterprise cloud migrations.

But beyond my professional expertise, I’m also passionate about coachingphotographysportsgourmet cooking, and classic car restorations. This blog is my way of sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights with the broader IT and tech community.

When I am not working, I love to

Love watching satisfactory You Tube videos of vintage car revival cars, as old as from 1960’s – which have been abandoned & not driven for as long as 40 years etc. Mainly videos from “Junk Yard Digs” – “Vise Grip Garage” – “Budget Build” etc. Love to see them go thru repair process to make these cars roads worth again – Following couple of bike riders (on YouTube) who are on ‘world tour’ on their bikes

Coaching Little League Baseball – 15 years’ experience from kids age 7 to 18 years of age

Video graph nature, I also drive around to vista point to fly my drone capture sunrise & sunsets, also photograph blooming flower, ocean, rivers from my vista points